Saturday, August 20, 2011

Schedule Changes & Updates

12/5/11 Update: Folks, as a reminder and by consensus of the class, we will have a limited concept review on Wednesday, 12/7 and I will give you Friday, 12/9 as individual working time for your final projects. Theorists we plan to review: Burke ("Terministic Screens"), Butler, Campbell, Gates, Miller, Mitchell, Spivak. Wednesday will be our last class meeting.

11/28/11 Update: Class cancelled on Monday, 11/28. Please read and blog as usual. Bring Butler, Spivak, and Glossary to class on 11/30. Discussion of Gates and final quiz are postponed until 12/2. Deadline for SCD #4 has been extended until 5:00 p.m. on 12/4!

11/18/11 Update: Here is the final announcement about our screening of Up the Yangtze, by Canadian-Chinese director, Yung Chang: we will view the film in Swain Hall West 220 as scheduled, on Wednesday 11/30/11, at 6:30 p.m. (or just a few minutes after). However, in the meantime, please feel free to take advantage of these other viewing options if you know you want to view it more than once:
  • check out the IU copy (licensed and able to view without restriction) in the Kent Cooper Media Services room of Wells Library, where all of the DVDs are for browsing: DS793.Y3 U7 2008
  • purchase a copy for download from the movie site (it is a bit pricey)
  • request it via Netflix (if you or your family has a subscription)
  • locate a licensed copy through your public library.
Looking forward to it!

11/16/11 Update: Folks, remember to look ahead on our "Reading Questions and Preparatory Exercises" page so that you don't fall behind in these last great weeks. The good news is, you have earned one more blog reprieve. There will be no posts due on Monday, 11/28! Posts will still be due on Monday, 11/21 and Monday, 12/5, at which point I will close down the blog. This is your last chance to intrigue, inspire, master, and generally show your stuff!

10/24/11 Update: It is time for an update in response to a number of questions you have regarding our film viewings. As well, I have a surprise in store for you regarding next week, and I thought you might be interested in knowing about some extracurricular activities on campus:
  • Saturday 10/29 - IU Cinema shows Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Free admission, but tickets still required.

  • Monday 10/31 - I am cancelling the Corder reading for this day. I thought long and hard about this and, in some ways, I am mourning the fact that we will not read or discuss Corder's impassioned appeal for "argument as emergence" and "rhetoric as love." It truly is a unique essay. Instead, I would like to devote Monday's class to a day of "miscellany" in preparation for SCD 3. Although SCD 3 is still far off, this will give us 50 minutes to discuss possible pairings of critical readings, possible applications of critical texts to cases, and possible ways of responding to prompts. It will also give you a chance to ask questions based on commentary you have received on SCD 1 and SCD 2. Finally, it will give you a chance to ask lingering questions based on the first two weeks of the Text/uality unit. I think we need this day.

  • Wednesday 11/9 and Wednesday 11/30 - Both our film screenings will be held in Swain West 220, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. If I can manage it, I will try to bring popcorn and juice. If I can manage it.

  • Monday 11/14 - Syndicated comic artist Garry Trudeau (creator of Doonesbury) will speak at Alumni Hall, beginning at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free! It could be fun to show up and pose questions to him about "author-function," "iconicity," and "interpretive fallacy," not to mention "framing." He may actually answer them!

10/13/11 Update: Folks, given my delayed return to IU from this conference, it makes sense for me to give you an extra day to work on SCD 2, if you so need and desire it. (Remember that you can "opt out" of one of the four SCDs over the course of the semester.) Note the new submission deadline is Saturday, 10/15/11, at 5:00 p.m. to Oncourse drop box. Of course, I encourage you to submit it earlier so that you can simply be done with it and move on!

10/5/11 Update: Looking ahead to next week, this is a reminder that we will not meet for class on Wednesday 10/12 or Friday 10/14 (I will be away at a conference). On the syllabus, I have indicated that time for you to read Satrapi's Persepolis and work on your SCD #2. However, in lieu of cancelled class, I am asking us to have class on the blog between 10:10 and 11:00 on Wednesday 10/12. Your attendance for both days will be counted via your posting or commenting during that hour on Wednesday. I also plan to participate, since I should be able to access the blog remotely. Before Wednesday's class hour, please take time to reacquaint yourselves with posts and conversation threads even from several weeks ago.

9/30/11 Update: Okay, folks. For Monday, let's just read Derrida, reread Austin if we need to, and consult the introductory pages. We're going to eliminate (so to speak) Richards and Ogden. Alas!

9/26/11 Update: Class cancelled on Monday, 9/26 due to instructor illness. Please bring PE #5 ("traces" of Locke) to class on Wednesday.

9/19/11 Update: No blog posts due on Monday, 9/26! This means we will fall short of our "40 Posts," but I will adjust scores at the end of the semester.

9/12/11 Update: I am making the first change to our schedule, but I think it will allow you a much-needed reprieve, not to mention time to "breathe" before transitioning into the next unit of the course. Here is the change:
  • Wednesday 9/21 - Discussion of Barton "Textual Practices" and Welling "Ecoporn." I will ask everyone to select one essay or the other; you will not need to read both.

  • Friday 9/23 - No class. Use the time to catch up or to work ahead on the blog. However, I will hold impromptu conferences from 9-11 a.m. that day for anyone who would like to stop in (BH 474).

9/8/11 Update: Folks, I have added 4 more Preparatory Exercises to our calendar on Sep. 14, Oct. 5, Oct. 26, and Nov. 2. Aside from these and the ones already indicated on your syllabus, I will not be adding any more for the remainder of the semester. However, as always, please check the "Reading Qs & Preparatory Exercises" page because I will still post terms and questions for discussion.

9/6/11 Update: Our ENG L371 Coursepack (from Classpak Publishing) is now in the bookstores! It is available at both TIS and IU Bookstore. Please pick up your copy before the end of the next week! Our Oncourse readings only take us through 9/16.

8/31/11 Update: We begin blogging next week! Please respond to the e-mail invitation you have received from and follow its instructions to register to the blog. Let me know if you have any trouble signing on. While the normal deadline for weekly posts is Monday at 10:00 a.m., your first 2 posts are not due until 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday 9/6, to account for the Labor Day off!

8/29/11: Hopefully, there will be no schedule changes. However, I have been known to drop 1 or 2 readings from our list over the course of any semester. If that happens, I will announce it here.

-Prof. Graban

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