Saturday, August 27, 2011

Beginnings . . .

Welcome to our course blog, which has two principal functions: to serve as a discussion and performance space for all of us as we traverse our readings and generate ideas for the final project; and to serve as a portal for assignments, resources, and other information about the course. Feel free to browse the links at right, and be sure to check in regularly.

Looking forward,
-Prof. Graban

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Short Critical Discussions

due 12/2/11 by 10:10 a.m. 12/4/11 by 5:00 p.m. to Oncourse dropbox (note extended deadline)


Folks, allow me to offer some late-in-the-semester praise. You have been champions in tackling these short critical discussions! For those of you who have one SCD left to complete, the purpose and task are the same as before, albeit with a different selection of texts. Rather than repeat instructions, I'll ask you to revisit the instructions on SCD #2 below. As always, feel free to ask questions if any part of the assignment is unclear or if you become stuck while working through an idea. I am happy to brainstorm with you.
For SCD #4, select from

the following critical texts:

  • Cooper Excerpts from A Voice From the South (1892) (379-384)
  • de Certeau “Walking in the City” (1342-1346)
  • Benjamin “Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” (1232-1237)
  • Burke Terministic Screens” (44-62)
  • Butler Gender Trouble (1-17)
  • George Mr. Burke, Meet Helen Keller (340-347)
  • Spivak Can the Subaltern Speak?” (798-809)
  • Gates, Jr. Writing 'Race' and the Difference It Makes” (1-20)

the following reference texts:
  • Richter background on “New Historicism and Cultural Studies” (1320-1332)
  • Rivkin/Ryan background on “Feminist Paradigms” (765-769)
  • Rivkin/Ryan background on “English without Shadows” (1071-1074)
  • Relevant pages from Bedford Glossary

and the following cases:
  • Good Copy Bad Copy
  • Up the Yangtze
  • Persepolis

  1. Discuss what you see as one of the fundamental challenges of "Re/Presentation" according to two of our critics. What do these literary critics have in mind, even if they do not explicitly use that word? Rather than just summarizing what they say about this broad concept of "representation," I'd like you to consider where two of our theorists converge on some aspect of the paradox (e.g., identification, power, materiality, terministic screen, ambient space, alterity, self-positioning, diaspora, etc.). Only then will you be ready to apply that synthesized understanding to one of the cases in this unit. So, for example, you might need to consider where Burke's terministic screen converges with another theorist in order to posit the challenges of attaining historical or cultural identification in something like Persepolis or Up the Yangtze. I am not asking you simply to discuss the problem of representation in one of our cases; rather, I am asking you to articulate a more specific dimension of the re/presentation paradox, based on how two of our critical theorists wrestle with it, in order to illustrate it at work in one of our cases.
  2. Discuss how two of our critical theorists from this unit can invite the growth of one of the following concepts from our earlier units: agency, author-function, language, signification, iconicity, discourse, sublime or genre. It is highly unlikely that all of these concepts will be explicitly mentioned in the texts we read in this unit. So, you will need to make it clear whose definition of the concept you are putting into conversation with two of the theorists from this unit. It might make sense for you to select two theorists who are grappling with the same (or similar) issues of re/presentation, and then determine how their grappling can help this other concept to grow, or vice versa. For example, you might consider how Cooper, Gates, and/or Spivak's problematizing of alterity actually calls into question Foucault's author-function. Or, you might consider how Burke, Benjamin, and/or de Certeau's various discussions of attitudes, aesthetic and ambient spaces contribute to Miller's theory of reciprocal genre or Bakhtin's understanding of discourse. There are many possibilities! Draw on reference texts and cases as needed.
  3. Choose one of the key terms or key concepts in the title of one critical text above, and trace its development, meaning, and significance in another text where it does not explicitly appear in that title. For example, you might consider the use of the concept gender in any text other than Butler's. However, you would also use Butler's critical lens to consider the ways in this that other text takes up or treats differently the concept of gender. Draw on reference texts and cases as needed.

Characteristics and evaluation criteria are the same, albeit with a different selection of texts. Please revisit these criteria for SCD #2 below. As always, feel free to ask questions if any of these criteria needs more detailed explanation.


due 11/11/11 by 10:10 a.m. to Oncourse dropbox


The purpose and task are the same as SCD #2, albeit with a different selection of texts. Rather than repeat instructions, I'll ask you to revisit the instructions on SCD #2 below. As always, feel free to ask questions if any part of the assignment is unclear or if you become stuck while working through an idea. I am happy to brainstorm with you.
For SCD #3, select from

the following critical texts:
  • Longinus “From On the Sublime” (344-358)
  • Bakhtin “The Problem of Speech Genres” (60-75, 100-101)
  • Wimsatt and Beardsley “From The Intentional Fallacy” (810-818)
  • Killingsworth “Appeal Through Tropes” (123-135)
  • Booth “Types of Narration” and “Morality of Narration” (149-165, 385-398)
  • Corder “Argument as Emergence, Rhetoric as Love” (16-32)
  • Miller “Genre as Social Action” (151-167)
  • Landow “Hypertext and Critical Theory” (33-48)
  • Mitchell “Metapictures” (35-64, 82)

the following reference texts:
  • Richter background on “Structuralism and Deconstruction” (819-823, 826-827, 832-834)
  • Richter background on “Marxism” (1198-1201, 1205-1209)
  • Rivkin/Ryan background on “Starting with Zero” (643-646)
  • Relevant pages from Bedford Glossary

and the following cases:
  • Satrapi Persepolis
  • Daniel “Public Secrets
  • Good Copy Bad Copy

  1. Discuss how at least two of the critical theorists above are concerned (explicitly or implicitly) with this question: “What is genre?” Though the question seems easy, I'd like you to complicate it. (Note: you do not have to limit yourselves to texts that have "genre" in their title.) Do the writers treat genre as form over function? Do they imply that genres can only be constructions of certain kinds of agents? What differentiates genre from "canon," or "discourse," or "text"? Who determines which genres circulate and how they evolve? What are the critic's unique challenges in interpreting literary genres? In evaluating them? Draw on reference texts and cases as needed.
  2. Using two of the critical texts above, I invite you to challenge the qualities of "discourse" or of genre in one of our cases, or in another case of your choosing. For example, you might select an infomercial, an ad campaign, a short television program, an alternative text, or another cultural artifact of your choice (e.g., cereal box, billboard, jingle, slogan, etc.). Whatever you choose, please make sure it is small in scope and therefore manageable. Please also make sure I have access to it. What are the properties of text, materiality, or genre that are most important in your selection of it? How does it complicate or disrupt two of the theorists' conceptions of either "discourse" or genre?
  3. Discuss how at least two of the critical theorists above either pose or deflect challenges to the act of interpretation. What difficulties do they predict for literary interpretation, or--conversely--what possibilities do they suggest? How do these theorists think readers should understand text so as to see the potential challenges, or--conversely--so as to recognize the interpretive possibilities? Do they promote a certain way of thinking about text? Of responding to text? Of using text? Draw on reference texts and cases as needed.
  4. If there is one thing that all of these critical authors address, to one extent or another, it might be the limitations of form. What (new) meaning does "form" take on in this unit? What values--contingent or stable--get assigned to various textual forms? What might be (or have been) the repercussions of these values on what we call "the literary canon"? Select two critical texts to help you construct a response to this question, drawing on reference texts and cases as needed.

Characteristics and evaluation criteria are the same, albeit with a different selection of texts. Rather than repeat instructions, I'll ask you to revisit the instructions on SCD #2 below. As always, feel free to ask questions if any of these criteria needs more detailed explanation.


due 10/14/11 10/15/11 by 5:00 p.m. to Oncourse dropbox (note extended date!)


For this second short critical discussion, I will ask you to put two or more critical texts into conversation with each other and with other texts in order to build an argument that is inspired by our Anti/Signification paradox.
Putting them into conversation with each other generally requires that you do more than simply comment on them, compare them, or formulate an opinion about them. It generally requires that you use both texts together in order to arrive at some discovery that advances your thinking. As in SCD #1, your aim is two-fold:
  1. to demonstrate a solid (even sophisticated) understanding of a couple of our theorists and their texts; and
  2. to craft an interesting, specific, non-obvious, and coherent argument based on some curiosity, question, or problem that arises from reading these texts or theorists together.
Please begin with one of the prompts below. The prompt will provide you with a problem, help you determine the best set of texts to discuss together, and help you determine how focused your argument should be. However, you should expect your discovery (a.k.a., your thesis statement) to do more than simply answer the prompt. For SCD #2, select from

the following critical texts:
  • Locke “From Essay on Human Understanding” (814-827)
  • Austin “From How to Do Things with Words” (679-690)
  • Richards and Ogden “From The Meaning of Meaning” (1270-1280)
  • Derrida “Differance” (278-288)
  • Bakhtin “Discourse in the Novel” (9-21)
  • Burke “The Rhetoric of Hitler's Battle” (191-220)
  • McCloud “The Vocabulary of Comics” (24-45)

the following reference texts:
  • Bizzell/Herzberg on “Enlightenment” (791-799)
  • Rivkin/Ryan on “Formalisms” and “Structuralism” (3-6, 53-55)
  • Rivkin/Ryan on “Deconstruction” (257-261)
  • Relevant pages from Bedford Glossary

and the following cases:
  • Barton “Textual Practices of Erasure” (169-199)
  • Welling “Ecoporn: On the Limits of Visualizing the Nonhuman” (53-77)
  • Satrapi Persepolis

For SCD #2, you may find yourself using the reference texts more than you did for SCD #1 in order to provide background and help you discuss your critical texts; this is perfectly fine.

    1. Discuss how at least two of the critical texts above are concerned (explicitly or implicitly) with the question of signification. In the texts you have chosen, is there always a clear relation between the thing that signifies and the thing that inspires the signification? Do the writers imply that the presence of one should always either guarantee or negate the presence of the other? What makes the relationship between signifier and signified so complex, especially in the study of literature? Draw on reference texts and cases as needed.
    2. Discuss how at least two of the critical texts above are concerned (explicitly or implicitly) with this question: “What is language?” Though the question seems easy, I'd like you to complicate it. Is language always the compilation of words? Are words always language, or not always (or never) language? Can language “do” anything and, if so, what? Are there instances in which we might say that language does something we think it ought not to do (like desire, feel, express itself, threaten, harm, etc.)?
    3. Choose one of the key terms or key concepts in the title of one critical text above, and trace its development, meaning, and significance in another text where it does not explicitly appear in the title. For example, you might consider the use of the concept discourse in any text other than Bakhtin's. However, you would also use Bakhtin to consider the ways in which that other text takes up or treats differently the concept of discourse. Draw on reference texts and cases as needed.
    4. In “Linguistic Approaches to the Problem of Education,” Kenneth Burke writes, “Man is literally a symbol-using animal. He really does approach the world symbol-wise (and symbol-foolish)” (260). For Burke, language can only be symbolic, but symbolic of what? What does this mean for the literary or rhetorical critic? Why do you think Burke feels he must insist that this is the case? If no foundationalist theory will resolve disagreements over what our language means, then what it is that we do when we use language (i.e., read, interpret, write, argue)? Select two critical texts from above to compose your response. Draw on reference texts and cases as needed.

    This assignment is worth 100 points. Here are some specific criteria I will use to evaluate:

    Argument and Thesis
    For these assignments, "argument" does not necessarily mean "position" (as in, the traditional pro/con, good/bad, right/wrong sense of argumentation). It does mean a discovery that can only be arrived at through careful synthesis. I’m inviting you to build on theory in this critical discussion, so your argument should be interesting and worthwhile, but it should also be nuanced and specific. Your argument should be guided by an original and clear thesis statement that represents the discovery, is not simply a summary of the texts’ main purpose or theme, and does not simply state the obvious about the texts you are reading. In other words, your thesis statement should provide us the answer to or outcome of your discussion, rather than just telling us broadly what you hope to find, and it should not simply answer the prompt. If your thesis is complex, it may take a few sentences to articulate all of its points. This is perfectly natural.

    Textual and Contextual Evidence
    You’ll want to develop your argument by drawing heavily on the critical text(s) you have chosen, and you’ll want to use examples accurately and well. Feel free to use examples drawn from class, but please do not just echo the examples back to me without demonstrating that you can extend them. Please do not simply rely on what you perceive to be "common knowledge"; instead, use the reference texts to provide essential background. Every sentence is an important part of your developing argument, so you should avoid making generalizations or making claims without showing their origins. Please cite specific incidents, images, and other textual details, using parenthetical citations when you paraphrase or quote from any source. In a discussion of this length, please try to avoid extensive block quoting.

    Reader Awareness
    You are writing for a reader (or group of readers) who needs to see that you can carefully handle textual evidence, so be sure to educate them wherever possible by taking the time to define key terms. While I fully expect and fully encourage you to make use of the
    OED, it is not enough to simply justify a claim by saying “According to the OED …” In terms of engaging your reader, try hooking them with a critical and imaginative beginning, i.e., a sense that you know what you want to say, and not a vague or wandering or philandering opening. Your opening should help us understand the specific dilemma that prompted you to write.

    Organization and Coherence
    How you organize your critical discussion should ultimately reflect the argument you want to make. This includes a clear introduction and conclusion, useful transitions, and adequate development of each point. Your thesis may act like a “thread” for your main and supporting points, and each paragraph should be well focused and guided by something like a topic sentence that helps your thesis to unfold.

    Language and Style
    Your discussion can be confident and still carry a balanced tone, with neutral language and strong sentences. Your use of terms should be thoughtful, even elegant. You should not need to rely on excessive metadiscourse, “I think/feel/believe,” or “In my opinion” statements to carry your argument forward. It should always be clear who is saying what. Try putting dense or complicated language into your own words, and be sure to report names and titles accurately. No patterns of sentence- or paragraph-level error should get in the way of meaning. Spelling and punctuation should be exact.

    Discourse Conventions and Formatting
    Your title should reflect what you are trying to argue and may even contain layers of meaning. Citation conventions should be accurate. Aim for ~2 pages single-spaced with a separate “Works Cited” page in MLA format (you may have to spill over that limit slightly). This means that the final draft should be: Word-processed or typed in a legible 11- or 12-point serif font, and formatted to include 1-inch margins. No cover sheet is necessary, but your name, due date, and course information should appear at the top left of the first page. Please create a header or footer with your last name and page number on all remaining pages.

    File Format
    I like to comment in the electronic version of your SCD, so please save it with a .doc or .docx extension, allowing me to do so.

    Please feel free to ask questions if any part of the assignment is unclear or if you become stuck while working through an idea.



    due 9/23/11 by 10:10 a.m. to Oncourse dropbox


    For this first short critical discussion, I will ask you to put two or more critical texts into conversation with each other and with other texts in order to build an argument that is inspired by our Agent/cy paradox.
    Putting them into conversation with each other generally requires that you do more than simply comment on them, compare them, or formulate an opinion about them. It generally requires that you use both texts together in order to arrive at some discovery that advances your thinking. Due to the nature of our readings in the first unit of the course, this assignment will seem challenging because you will have to work hard to narrow your focus. However, it may help you to remember that your aim is two-fold:
    1. to demonstrate a solid (even sophisticated) understanding of a couple of our theorists and their texts; and
    2. to craft an interesting and coherent argument based on some curiosity, question, or problem that arises from reading these texts or theorists together.

    I offer some prompts below to help you get started, but please remember that the
    prompts are just that—points of inquiry intended to urge, instigate, or impel you toward a discovery that is more specific to the texts you choose to read. So you should expect your discovery (a.k.a., your thesis statement) to do more than simply answer the prompt. For SCD #1, select from

    the following critical texts:
    • Burke “Literature as Equipment for Living” (293-304)
    • Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics (3-25, 117-141)
    • Aristotle On Rhetoric (25-51, 119, 163-172)
    • Foucault “What Is An Author?” (904-914)
    • Barthes “Death of the Author” (874-877)
    • Ong “The Writer’s Audience Is Always a Fiction” (9-21)
    • Gilbert and Gubar “Infection in the Sentence” (448-459)
    • Campbell “Agency: Promiscuous and Protean” (1-3, 7-14)

    the following reference texts:
    • Introductory essays (Leitch, Richter, Richards)
    • Relevant pages from Bedford Glossary

    and the following cases:
    • Asch “In Search of America” (284-306)
    • Barton “Textual Practices of Erasure” (169-199)
    • Welling “Ecoporn: On the Limits of Visualizing the Nonhuman” (53-77)

    1. Discuss the role of “agent” or “agency” in at least two of the critical texts listed above, using the reference texts or cases as needed. Agent/cy might be either the explicit subject or an implicit element of the texts that you choose—you can still use a text even if it doesn’t explicitly deal with the terms. As part of your discussion, consider how your chosen critical texts help us to differentiate between agent and agency, between author and agent, or between agency and power.
    2. If there is one thing that all of these critical authors address, to one extent or another, it might be the authorizing of authorship or readership. But what is the nature of their authorizing and how do they go about it? Where does authority lie when it comes to literary materials: In authors? In texts? In the circulation of discourse? In the acts of writing? Or reading? Or interpretation? Using at least two of the critical authors above—and drawing on reference texts or cases as needed—discuss how they might answer (or fail to fully answer) this question of what it means to authorize.
    3. Imagine that you were booking guests for a trans-historical talk show (anything is possible!) and you wanted two of our critical theorists to appear on your show in order to discuss the various ways that the Agent/cy paradox has influenced the creation and circulation of literature in their respective epistémé. How would you trace the development of this paradox through their texts, drawing on reference texts and cases as needed? How would their respective projects (e.g., Aristotle’s classification of virtues or Gilbert and Gubar’s examination of dis-ease in 19th-century women’s writings) enhance or illuminate each other so that a 21st-century reader better understands the significance of the Agent/cy paradox?

    This assignment is worth 100 points. Here are some specific criteria I will use to evaluate:

    Argument and Thesis
    For these assignments, "argument" does not necessarily mean "position" (as in, the traditional pro/con, good/bad, right/wrong sense of argumentation). It does mean a discovery that can only be arrived at through careful synthesis. I’m inviting you to build on theory in this critical discussion, so your argument should be interesting and worthwhile, but it should also be nuanced and specific. Your argument should be guided by an original and clear thesis statement that represents the discovery, is not simply a summary of the texts’ main purpose or theme, and does not simply state the obvious about the texts you are reading. In other words, your thesis statement should provide us the answer to or outcome of your discussion, rather than just telling us broadly what you hope to find, and it should not simply answer the prompt. If your thesis is complex, it may take a few sentences to articulate all of its points. This is perfectly natural.

    Textual and Contextual Evidence
    You’ll want to develop your argument by drawing heavily on the critical text(s) you have chosen, and you’ll want to use examples accurately and well. Feel free to use examples drawn from class, but please do not just echo the examples back to me without demonstrating that you can extend them. Please do not simply rely on what you perceive to be "common knowledge"; instead, use the reference texts to provide essential background. Every sentence is an important part of your developing argument, so you should avoid making generalizations or making claims without showing their origins. Please cite specific incidents, images, and other textual details, using parenthetical citations when you paraphrase or quote from any source. In a discussion of this length, please try to avoid extensive block quoting.

    Reader Awareness
    You are writing for a reader (or group of readers) who needs to see that you can carefully handle textual evidence, so be sure to educate them wherever possible by taking the time to define key terms. While I fully expect and fully encourage you to make use of the
    OED, it is not enough to simply justify a claim by saying “According to the OED …” In terms of engaging your reader, try hooking them with a critical and imaginative beginning, i.e., a sense that you know what you want to say, and not a vague or wandering or philandering opening. Your opening should help us understand the specific dilemma that prompted you to write.

    Organization and Coherence
    How you organize your critical discussion should ultimately reflect the argument you want to make. This includes a clear introduction and conclusion, useful transitions, and adequate development of each point. Your thesis may act like a “thread” for your main and supporting points, and each paragraph should be well focused and guided by something like a topic sentence that helps your thesis to unfold.

    Language and Style
    Your discussion can be confident and still carry a balanced tone, with neutral language and strong sentences. Your use of terms should be thoughtful, even elegant. You should not need to rely on excessive metadiscourse, “I think/feel/believe,” or “In my opinion” statements to carry your argument forward. It should always be clear who is saying what. Try putting dense or complicated language into your own words, and be sure to report names and titles accurately. No patterns of sentence- or paragraph-level error should get in the way of meaning. Spelling and punctuation should be exact.

    Discourse Conventions and Formatting
    Your title should reflect what you are trying to argue and may even contain layers of meaning. Citation conventions should be accurate. Aim for ~2 pages single-spaced with a separate “Works Cited” page in MLA format (you may have to spill over that limit slightly). This means that the final draft should be: Word-processed or typed in a legible 11- or 12-point serif font, and formatted to include 1-inch margins. No cover sheet is necessary, but your name, due date, and course information should appear at the top left of the first page. Please create a header or footer with your last name and page number on all remaining pages.

    Please feel free to ask questions if any part of the assignment is unclear or if you become stuck while working through an idea.